C1 Magazines

                                                                                                                     Tuesday 24th September 2024


  1.  Representation is how someone or something is portrayed in media.
  2. when considering representation the first thing i think of is whether it is positive or negative.
  3. stereotype is when someone or something can be judged on certain characteristics without being known  personally .eg. teenagers are lazy.
  4. there are 2 exams in media 
  5. theoretical framework...media language, industries, representations, contexts, audience 


A stereotype is a generalised representation of a person, place or thing. They are often limited and often offensive or used for comedy. 

examples of stereotypes...

private school boy- posh, rich, polite but also think that they are smarter than others.
football player- sporty, young, male.
nurse- female, kind, caring
grandmother- older, slow, caring
teenager- lazy, messy, rude
mechanics- male, take advantage
teacher- boring, confident, talks a lot
Cornish man- strong accent, dirty,  pasty lover 

In the trailer the teachers are represented as...
  • fun
  • short tempered
  • caring 
  • trying to help
  • being supportive
  • telling students to tuck your shirt in 

In the trailer the students are represented as... 
  • trouble 
  • annoying
  • students and teachers hugging like mates 
  • short tempered 
  • silly behaviour
  • diverse 
  • kids saying i love you to the teacher

                Representations in magazines 

Masthead- the big main title of the magazine cover, usually shown at the top of the page.
cover lines- the cover lines are small blocks of writing that give hints to what is in the magazine 
main image- the image shown in the centre of the magazine cover usually based on the topic of the magazine, it is always the biggest image.
main cover line- The main topic of the magazine, often linked in with main image.
puff- this is like a sticker that is often shown in the corners of the magazine it is usually used as a form of promotion.
colour palette- the main colours show on magazine cover.
direct address- addressing the audiences through quotes, talking to the reader by using the words you and your. this can be used in visual by eye contact. 
star vehicle- the start used to bring more audience to read.

DO NOW                                                                                                     Tuesday 1st October 2024 

  1.  The masthead is the main title of the magazine cover, usually at the top of the page.
  2. cover lines
  3. the puff is like a sicker that often is used for promotion
  4. whether it is positive or negative 
  5. stereotypes 

carrie underwood covers 
cover 1- bright, sweet, pretty
cover 2- confident, strong, powerful
cover 3-  comfortable, happy, proud 

In this magazine cover she is presented as a happy women, she is shown to be proud of her house and her pet but also of herself. she looks lively and full of joy.

The differences between this two covers are...

  • David Beckham is show to be powerful and almost greedy with strength, however carrie underwood is show as a sweet and innocent women.
  • Davids poster is seen as very dark and smart 
  • Carries poster is a lot brighter and lively with a hint of fun.
  • There are a few stereotypes represented in these posters as well, such as the fact that David is seen with tattoos all over his hand, which is seen as manly but carrie has none.
  • the have very different camera shots, carrie is fully body David is a close up.
  • genre is very alike but they have very different audience 

In David Beckhams magazine cover the men of the world are being represented as strong powerful human beings. in the close up shot it allows us to see the tattoo on his hand which often represents someone dangerous or trouble. when representing a man all you need is the face however with the women often have there full bodies on show. In Carrie Underwoods magazine cover the women are presented as sweet, innocent and colourful. Carrie is also seen with a lot less clothing on and it is also a full body shot. the cover reflects on the fact that women are obsessed with the way they look and how they are seen by men. 


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